Folio I offer the older pictures for a cheap price and show my new photographs. I use my photography for my Greeting-cards, Slides on websites, Header for themes, Cover for boxes, Wallpaper as background for websites and for my Calendars.
Folio I offer the older pictures for a cheap price and show my new photographs. I use my photography for my Greeting-cards, Slides on websites, Header for themes, Cover for boxes, Wallpaper as background for websites and for my Calendars.
Design My own designs are simple Websites as Salespages, OneTimeOffer Pages, Mini Video Sites with opt_in and Squeeze pages. I'm now code also in html5 but this is always in process. I offer pages and themes with MRR license from other designers and I buy this offers.
Wallpaper Since a short time I offer the new shots as Wallpaper for a cheap price, $1.00 for a picture. I work on to fill the pages with new Wallpapers and I hope you enjoy this pictures. The shots are from the Landscape of Sicily and the Urbanphotography from Termini Imerese and other towns.
E-Cards I like to design Greetings with my pictures also to create Canvas-Paintings. I design and create with graphics every year new E-Cards and this since years. What I try to find is the right expressions for the special day and this from the beginning.
Prints The printable Cards are made with older shots but for the moment I don't fill up with more cards in this part. This was the start of my E-Cards but it wasn't run. I've a few ideas for this prints but this need time and creative inspiration.
Animation With a few holidays I have really a contract, also when in Europe its not so enormous. Halloween is one and Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are equal. I create little slides with my shots, animated, with music and effects. I animate my picture with graphics of my processing program and give it a good frame.
Calendar My Calendars are made with high resolution photographs and a professional processing. I use various programs for the frame of the Calendar.
Calendar The whole year I look after the shooting for the pictures and save they in an extra file.
Calendar When comes the time to choose for the Calender, it gets crucial. This folder had circa 200 shots of thousands in the past years but I need only 13 pictures.